Choice of picture from Ethical Fashion Forum

This is an old picture from a chainstore fashion site, chosen by Ethical Fashion Forum to show the sort of people it hopes to win-over. The picture also shows use of a union jack emblem on something not made in the UK, and people of the work-seeking age who are most likely to loose from a globalised economy with less national insurance or benefits.
People in the UK still get a basic national insurance service, but the government has taken the fund which was meant to exist, pensions are reduculously low and unemploynment benefit depends on being nagged relentlessly to work free or go on a pointless course. Housing Benefits have just been reduced and risk causing homelessness. People use food banks. A lot of paid work is insecure and can be prone to bullying. Services for keeping people out of hospital if they have dementia or such have been cut. Some of the work is in manufacturing but government, sometimes giving grants to people like Ethical Fashion Forum, seems unsure what that is or how to help and can end-up subsidising the competition. As ever, the excuse in the UK is "competitiveness" or just "defecit", while the excuse for importing things at 0% tariff from Rana Plaza where there is probably no national insurance is "development".
Planb4fashion is a blog by which is a vegan shoe shop
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