Monday, 14 December 2015

zero percent development

The country which has free 0% tariff access to the European market in the name of "development" doesn't even have a system to help Rana Plaza victims. It causes havoc in the UK by dumping and export subsidies, and havoc at home by bad government.

According to War on Want, some Rana Plaza victims now face destitution.

Demand compensation for the victims of the Bangladesh building collapse, says War on Want:
Petition to wholesale customers of Rana Plaza including Beneton, Mango, Primark, Bonarche and Matalan: pay compensation NOW

In April, the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed killing over 1,100 people and injuring thousands more. The majority were female garment workers making clothes for the UK high street. Retailers Benetton, Bonmarché, Mango, Matalan and Primark all acknowledged recent production with the factories in the building. Click on the link above to ask for action for retailers, and consider what MEPs can do with tariffs to make the Bangladeshi government do its job.

Why are Oxfam, ActionAid, War on Want, and the rest asking for this when they do not ask for a welfare state in Bangladesh?
I mean: it's obvious with CAFOD. They like to look caring next to suffering, so a bit of suffering is always welcome and if you can avoid talking about condoms then your faith group gets more market share, suffering or not. Caring enourages conversion. And the donations keep coming-in because they might secure UK parents a place for their offpring at a subsidised faith school.
But why do respectable charities work so hard not to offend?

Planb4fashion is a blog by which is a vegan shoe shop

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